Thursday, December 15, 2011

December 15, 2011

Well, this will probably the last entry of the year but then again, I could be wrong! It has been a demanding semester teaching, great art making semester, and good semester for the family.
All of my girls are home and that's great for Christmas! I'm so thankful for family and friends, especially at this time of year when thoughts turn towards those we love. My husband and I also celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary with a vow renewal which made everyone cry!!! I'm so blessed!!!!
I'm especially thankful for my critique groups (2) whose voices had been invaluable to me and have helped me see the things that I typically overlook. Their encouragement and direction have spurred me onto creating work of excellence. They keep me on track and hold the bar up high!!!
I'm continuing with the bands of black and white (in various shades and tints) calling them my Interstice pieces. I'm really seeing a correlation between the work I've done in the past with what I'm working on at the present. It's exciting to see the development and relationship of the works.
I'm also working in acrylics as well as encaustics, just to explore the possibilities - will probably work in graphite as well!!! I've really been inspired by the work of Clyfford Still (the Clyfford Still Museum just opened here in Denver). His command of the mark and his authority with the paint and shapes is truly amazing. I never realized it before as the reproductions I've seen do not do his work justice. It is wonderful work! His exploration of an idea and the progression of the possibilities has taught me to continue to pursue the direction I'm on right now. I owe a great debt to him as well as to my collegues. And of course... Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman, and the other Abstract Expressionists!!! It's been a wonderful artistic year!
My goal is to create a new body of work worthy of exhibit and representation. I'm trying to find a gallery in Denver but also in Santa Fe and possibly LA. We shall see what the next year brings but until next time... Take care, enjoy, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and G-d bless