Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 30, 2011

With a thankful heart I'm posting this image to my blog!!! I have had several critques and have had wonderful encouragement with this new direction. I'm playing with line but obscuring it and hiding it within the wax. Trying to find an expression that reflects the contemplation and meditation that I feel within the studio, I believe that this work is coming close to the vision that I have. The form and structure of the work is rooted within art history - Barnett Newman's 'zips', Mark Rothko's wonderful color and tranparency, Clyfford Still's shapes and colors. My work is trying to continue the language and expression of these masters; to bring about a new contribution, a continued development of the non-objective language. Although the work is sometimes rooted within something tangible, the work itself does not always reflect that point of departure. That is alright with me for the time being. It brings a focus or a structure to the work so I can create from that point.
A couple of my friends have stated that they can breathe within this work and that the work is more contemplative than ever before. This excites me greatly!!! For if another person is responding to the work in a medatative manner, then my experience is translating to the viewer! It reflects my studio time for it is a time of prayer with the Lord and a time of contemplation apart from the prayer. It is my time to be, just be with my creativity and myself, and my G-d. Cares are washed away when I'm there and my hope is that the work transcends the chaos of the everyday and reveals and allows the viewer to have a quiet place, a moment of peace, a place where beauty and the spirit meet. I've always believed that art was and is a spirit to spirit communication and for me at least, the non-objective expression best translates that. It is a translation that is difficult to put into words or realistic depictions. It reflects the intuition and yearnings of my being and hopefully can relate to someone else's as well.
This particular piece actually has collaged elements from Genesis - the chapter where Jacob receives his blessing from Isaac. They are hidden underneath the wax but if the work is seen from up close, some of the writing is visible. The working title is: Jacob's Blessing. I want the work to reflect the hidden as well as the realization of the materials. So I contemplate the title!!! The collaged elements are part of the process, part of the elements and materials, part of the concept. The title will change but they will all be incorporated within it.
I'm excited to see what will transpire with this series. It is feeding my spirit and leaving me intrigued with the process. So, until next time... take care, enjoy, and G-d bless!!!