Monday, May 28, 2012

May 28, 2012

Things have been good here, getting ready for my solo show at my studio, 1400 Dallas in downtown Aurora, CO.  I'm featuring my Interstice pieces in encaustic, acyrlic, and ink wash. My goal is to have the entire room become a place of cadence, echoing the rhythms of breath and tempo.  I'm very excited!  I've been working on these Interstice pieces for awhile now and it's been a blast!  Just so you know what thery're about, I'm including my artist statement for the show:

Interstice: a small opening, crack, or gap between two things; the space in-between.

My work explores the ideas of separation and division, integration and disintegration, rhythm and movement with marks made with encaustic, ink wash, and acrylic paint. Using various supports ranging from the small and intimate to large scale work, bands of black and white called Interstices, investigate the relationships between contrast of value, shape, line, and rhythm. The interstices echo the play of opposites, their symbolic engagement presents: existence and breath, movement and rest, darkness and light, disconnection and unification.

Opposites attract, they reinforce each other, make the other known. The interstices bring about natural rhythms of life. Their relationship with each other marks a passage of time, a moment where emphasis and cadence marks the syncopation of life’s tempo. The sharpness of line, the disintegrating and morphing space resonates with the ebb and flow of divided and integrated areas.

The work is homage to the Abstract Expressionists and the automatism that was embodied within their work. Fueled by their inspiration, my work is a discovery about my past and present, the separations and divisions within my existence, and is a metaphor to fuse seemingly disparate connections and reveal the personal rhythms within my being.
I hope if you're in the Denver/Aurora, CO area you can come out for it!!!  I hope to see you there!!!  It's June 8 from 5-9pm at 1400 Dallas, Aurora, CO 80010.  
More to come after the show but until next time, take care, enjoy, and G-d bless!